Prathmesh Bhalekar

Product Engineer

I'm a self-taught software developer with expertise in Data Engineering and Backend Development. Passionately focused on mastering the art of building distributed systems. I have Proven track record of helping startups establish high-performance digital infrastructure to drive their product success. I'm a creative builder with a knack for building innovative projects that have served thousands of users and garnered recognition in national and international hackathons.

My Skills

Backend Development

Proficient in developing lightning-fast and highly scalable APIs for products accommodating millions of concurrent users. Proficiencies span Django, Golang, and Ruby on Rails.

System Design

Demonstrated expertise in architecting highly scalable microservices, ensuring efficient and robust solutions for complex systems.

Deep Learning

Profound understanding of machine learning algorithms, complemented by in-depth knowledge of the underlying mathematics. Skilled in implementing ML models with libraries such as SciKit Learn and TensorFlow. Proven ability to deploy machine learning solutions on mobile devices.

Web Scrapping

Proficient in creating image and text datasets through web scraping with Scrapy. Skilled in leveraging these datasets to train efficient machine learning models.

Dev Ops

Experience Dockerizing and deploying complex applications using Docker and Docker compose.

Programming And Problem Solving

Skilled programmer with experience in Competitive Programming, proficient in multiple languages such including Python,Golang and Java.


An innovative AR web app that accelerates guitar learning for beginners. It overlays real-time visual cues on the camera feed, simplifying the learning process by highlighting the strings to be plucked. Users can play their favorite music effortlessly, eliminating the need for repetitive exercises.

Machine Learning From Scratch

Developed machine learning, ensemble learning, and deep learning algorithms from scratch using core libraries like NumPy and Pandas.

Crypto Price Tracker

An app enabling custom alerts for cryptocurrency tokens. It sends email notifications when prices hit triggers, using Binance WebSockets for real-time updates. Keeps users informed in the volatile crypto market.


An Android app in Kotlin with a custom TensorFlow Lite model (MobileNet V2) for image categorization, trained on a scraped dataset for efficient and accurate image classification.

My Experience

Product Engineer

• Led system design and development for multiple services like Salt Score and much more
• Build multiple features and stand alone services using Django Rest Framework and Golang


Backend Development Intern

• Successfully implemented APIs for the flagship product 'Copyrightable,' leveraging technologies such as Gin, Gorm, and Apache Solr.
• Engineered a high-capacity CronJob for scraping millions of copyrights from diverse government websites.


Data Engineering Intern

• Developed, maintained and tested multiple image-data pipelines which processed millions of images everyday.
• Automated manual processes and there by optimized data delivery.
• Developed heuristics for improvement of the product from results of these pipelines.